YEAHYELHSA is the moniker of ashley olinger, an independent illustrator + designer based in pittsburgh, pa. in addition to working with clients of all scales to produce print + interactive projects, she also runs an online shop selling handmade paper goods. find more of her work @yeahyelhsa and at yeahyelhsa.com.
9 illustrations

“Stages,” 2019, digital illustration

“What Have You Done For Me Lately? Part I,” 2018

“What Have You Done For Me Lately? Part II,” 2018

“Chasing It With Cinnamon,” 2019

“In A Neon Way,” 2019
Hold This in Your Mind
Note from the artist: "Hold This in Your Mind is a self-initiated project in which I created one illustration per day using icons created to represent all people, places, and things present in my life. I used just five colors, each one representing an overall emotion or mood of the day. Documenting these occurrences allowed me to find patterns within myself, provoking me to become more mindful of my emotions and surroundings with each passing day. I continued this process for a full year, resulting in 365 illustrations that depict all of my experiences just as I have seen them in real time."

“Two Springs Ago,” March 2, 2016

“Living Off Little Debbie Snack Cakes,” May 11, 2016

Hold This in Your Mind: February 2016