2 poems
by Sofia Banzhaf
Sofia Banzhaf is a writer, actress, and filmmaker whose work appears in The Fanzine, 4 Poets, Cosmonaut’s Avenue, X-R-A-Y, and Bad Nudes, among others. She is the recipient of the Metatron Prize for Rising Authors for her novella Pony Castle. She resides in Toronto.
a star shaped chocolate raspberry
sorbet that tastes like
cough syrup
i fall outside on the curb
because you wanted me to wear heels
and also
because i am drunk
you toss a 100 dollar bill
it lands on the bed softly
and i don't reach for it
at the farmers market the yogurt bro
tells me he likes a woman
with big bills
i hover over the roses -
bright orange, creamy white
i exercise now
because i'm trying to be pure
like a game
i've started punishing myself
i am late to the party
bobby pins
men like to see their messes
on your face
dripping out of you
but they don’t like to see your
throwing away your bobby pins
even though they were your last