We're excited to announce our nominees for this year's Pushcart Prize!
"Call Collect" by Benjamin Niespodziany
"bloodseed" by Faith Arkorful
"Tennessee, I'm thinking about free falling" by Gala Mukomolova
"Butterflies Are More Metal Than Moths" by J. Bailey Hutchinson
"E. Is For Entertainment" by D. Arthur
Established in 1976, the Pushcart Prize is an annual honor awarded to dozens of American poets, fiction writers, and essayists published by small presses and literary journals and nominated by their editors and publishers. Honorees are selected by a nation-wide team of volunteers and published in Pushcart's annual anthology series.
"The Pushcart Prize has been a labor of love and independent spirits since its founding. It is one of the last surviving literary co-ops from the 60s and 70s" (Pushcart Press).
We're honored to have had the privilege of publishing these six pieces during 2019, and wish our nominees the best of luck!