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January Open Reading Period ft. Guest Fiction Editor Richard Chiem

Peach Mag is open for submissions of poetry, fiction, essay, and visual art throughout the month of January! Please review our submission guidelines and send work to the editors at by January 31, 11:59 PM.

Joining the Peach team as guest fiction editor is Richard Chiem, author of the short story collection You Private Person (Sorry House Classics, 2017), and the novel King of Joy (Soft Skull, 2019). You Private Person was named one of Publishers Weekly’s 10 Essential Books of the American West. He was named a 2019 Writer to Watch by the Los Angeles Times. Richard has taught at Hugo House, Catapult, and at the University of Washington Bothell. He lives in Seattle.

New: In the spirit of transparency, below please find a note on our selection process.

Peach is run by a team of volunteer editors. Poetry submissions are selected by our poetry team: Liz Bowen, Aeon Ginsberg, Kelly Xio, and Sennah Yee. Creative nonfiction submissions are selected by essays editor Rax King. Visual art submissions are selected by our Visual Arts team: C. C. Camuglia and Shayna Kiblin. Youth submissions are selected by our Seeds team: Bre Kiblin and Julia Beck. Fiction submissions, for the time being, are selected by guest editors. Editor in Chief Rachelle Toarmino and Managing Editor Jakob Maier review any/all submissions.

Each editor reads every submission in their genre during open reading periods. For genres with more than one editor, meetings will be held following the close of submissions to discuss pieces and decide which ones to publish. While we don’t read submissions anonymously, our editors do disclose any personal relationships with submitters that may influence their judgment. Click here to learn about our team of editors who will be reading your submissions.

There is no metric that determines what work finds its home at Peach. We often choose work that surprises us, work that upholds the voices of those living on the margins, and work that challenges power. To see what kind of work we like, we encourage submitters to read us first.

Although every submission is given consideration, we only have so many spots on our publication calendar. If your work is not chosen, please submit again during the next reading period!



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