1 poem
by Lily Holloway
Lily Holloway has a chapbook in AUP New Poets 8 and a Laa-Laa tattoo on their wrist. You can find their work at lilyholloway.co.nz. Most importantly, Missy Elliott once replied to their Tweet.
I want our story like
Torbay, remember, holding out for shiny pokémon
& one last smarting flirt before home. Or daring
each other to jump into the freshly emptied bins. I laugh
at just how pick me, please you are & how I could crush
your fat heart in one teenaged hand. I wish for a weight
to be added & a weight to be lifted. I wish for our morning-tea
bench to be whisked up into a hot gust of air with only
me on it & for nobody to be able to rescue me.
Look for me in the fountain & find me in the smallest eddy.
Look for me after class & find me in a maths block dust devil.
If only I had caught her you’ll say & think fondly of me, nothing
missing from your ribcage. If only I had held her
by the ankle I’ll hear, no violence on my body.