1 poem
by Kiyanna Hill
Kiyanna Hill is a third-year MFA candidate at the University of Maryland. Originally from Virginia, she bounces back and forth between Charlottesville and Richmond, Virginia. She's always willing to discuss "The Great British Baking Show" and horror films produced by A24. Find her on Instagram @kiyawnna.
Under Overhead Lighting
after Carrie Mae Weems’s Untitled (Woman and daughter with makeup)
I learned to paint in brightness you will too
We are bigger we seem
This is more than painting Don’t forget that
A new way to be colored Make yourself
even Paint yourself one shade of dark
One shade of darkened earth
Use your fingers I couldn’t we can’t afford
a brush Don’t blush; we can’t do that either
Color on your lips
Line first
See that valley – the cupid’s bow
Go bright above the peaks`
What we call accentuate
Gloss too brightness you can buy
Look at yourself turn your head
left then right The lighting don’t matter
You’re shining from all angles
That’s a sign of class