1 poem
by Courtney Bush
Courtney Bush is a poet, filmmaker, and preschool teacher from Biloxi, Mississippi. Her poems have most recently appeared in Critical Quarterly, blush lit, and The Adirondack Review, and are forthcoming in Night Music Journal. Her chapbook, Isn’t This Nice?, is forthcoming from blush lit.
My son is home
Possessing only a brain does not serve you well
It does not serve you well in love
There’s a catfight in the rain
Because people love an underworld story
In Australia Tinder’s name is Gumtree Classifieds
So I put my brain there
The two options for leaving me
And water covers the slabs in sheets
And the sheets are dirty
My divorce like every event
Does not happen in one tense or another
I miss wanting to be touched
I miss not hating voices
I actually don’t miss my husband
Payton was drunk, I was drunk
We watched the blood girl collect her billions
In my apartment so shitty except for the skylight
Picking up everything
In the living room the light finding you for once
So you can think with your higher mind
I don’t want to know the names for anything
Not one bird, tree, plant
How I hate mountains
Once I learned plums and peaches are drupes
Knowing a bird’s name I would overflow with rage
That and the plums, it’s happening now
Is it clear I want to know people’s names only
Alan, Margaret, Nehemiah, Clare
I love when someone says my name
And know it doesn’t make the world any better
At least I know love is the point of everything
So love is why stingrays kill people
I read poems right after a hippie once
So that when I made fun of the moon
The room was primed for something else
My friend left because she couldn’t stop laughing
Love is the point of that
For a while I pretended to believe in a female god figure
Due to the zeitgeist
But I believe women are all the same
And men too
At this time I can only handle being almost stupid
Like love is why you shouldn’t lean on the doors
And my glassy underfed eyes make me look closer to death
On the good side which is to say young
Remember when he was just so funny
His blonde curls and thinking how did I get here
My plan is to send parts of my spirit forth
The same way old movies begin
The way new movies end
When a movie ends I hate that
When a poem is shaped like something I hate that
I threw my body through the table for beauty
I got so drunk not only hoping you could read my mind
But counting on it, thinking you should know
I only care about myself
Of my desire I’ve been keeping this short list
Realism in film so pure it causes mass insanity
My star on the rise
The deepest psychological punishment