1 poem
by Carolyn Supinka
Carolyn Supinka is the author of Stray Gods (2016, Finishing Line Press). She is a visual artist and writer from Indiana, Pennsylvania, currently based in Oregon. She holds an MFA from Oregon State University and was a Fulbright Scholar in Pondicherry, India from 2013-2014. Her work was most recently published in Arcturus and The Recluse and is forthcoming in The Sonora Review.
X: Farmhouse kitchen.
Y: Morning, and the air is thick with the smell of rye bread and sweet wood.
X: Colorado sky. Faded quilt pinned on one end by sharp white mountains.
Y: The other end flapping free in the breeze, lifting the landscape off the earth.
X: The distance of the coffee table between me and my grandmother.
Y: The origin of her accent, words I can’t understand.
X: The sugar on my fingertip.
Y: The sugar on my tongue.
X: The scent of her perfume, still wet and glistening
Y: on the insides of her paper thin wrists.
X: Her mother across the ocean.
Y: Her mother crossing the ocean.
X: Her hands wrinkled and wreathed with old gold rings. Still.
Y: Her hands years ago, plucking wildflowers and silverware, grabbing the loose skin at the neck of the dog.
X: Her body walking the fields, the mountains rising at her back.
Y: Her body rising above the mountains, melting into the sky.