3 poems
by Aidan Aragon
Aidan Aragon (they/them) is a queer/non-binary poet from Northeastern Wisconsin. They are fond of cats, iced coffee, and love poems. Aidan can be found on Twitter and Instagram @aidanaragon.
*I’m sure we’re taller in another dimension
You say we’re smaller and not worth the mention
You’re tired of movin’, your body’s achin’
[an ode to plane rides and not wanting to die]
Carry me out on metal wings aloft in the sound laden sky full of stars and clouds: condensed water too much spit in my mouth bubbling over bliss frothy warm ; like when we held hands and I nervously thought that I could love or that I even knew the meaning of such words as expectation: the things I am supposed to do the things I say I must do it all stacked upon my shoulders a young Atlas trembling beneath the Earth (a lie) though when it comes down to it all I am is humble wind jealous Zephyr carried such lifelike death in spring is easiest because the ground is the most forgiving and the ambiance is already raining through the fog sky cry and because who wouldn’t love the irony of it all death in the time of life in the time of utter despair I couldn’t hold a knife like the clouds held my big steely body above the clouds aloft against all odds I’d thought we’d fall I thought I was already dead guess I just love the way confusion feels falling over my tongue onto both our bodies celestial wishes shooting through the sky I wish I wish that I didn’t have to accept my mundanity that I was special but I’m not none of us are we are all the same especially considering that simple fact is I want to believe different I want to believe in the extraordinary pray that my coffee table can be an alter so that I may worship a god who cares I want to believe in a god who cares but where are the miracles sprout from prayers I’m so tired of prayers who fall dead from my tongue to ears I can’t find god with me amongst the sunrise yet this must be proof because I am literally amongst the rising sun ; without need for Apollo’s carriage or Daedalus’ wings ; too bad an Icarian death sounds sublimely special but I’m terrified of falling for anything but the boy of my dreams he who died when I woke up saw shattered reflection of hope in my weary eyed mirror everything around me wants to break everything around me desires an ending and here I am surrounded by that “the end is a new beginning” bullshit I just want to take a break I just want to be like the waves upon the shore of Lake Superior vast and cold and beautiful breaking over my young dream filled feet that could carry me anywhere can you believe in such a place anywhere any way to find my way there is no way but through the brambles I ran chasing the dog Chiquita little girl running through the forest so excited it was like nothing could be more blissful than this or maybe bliss is the way hot chocolate slides down when it’s perfect or when I walk into conditioned air on the tail of the flame or when I walk side by side with you and your lips and your silver gold precious tongue could never be bitten back safe from sun fearing folk like me folding into the crook of your neck ; I coo to you like the birds above who don’t shit on my shoulder and you smile sunshine I’m blinded looking out the window the shade up and I can tell the guy seated next to me wants to sleep and the light probably is in his eyes sparkles into mine beams bother him but I am allowed awe right I am allowed the heat in my cheeks every time our legs brush up against the sky my face becomes a sunset blush I love you are the words on the tip of my tongue dripping down because sometimes I drool and sometimes I try to distract myself from the world because somehow I can think “love is a sham” yet it’s the only god I know and I think he loves me too so we kiss and no one can see the redness of my cheeks and no one can see because we’re seated by the bathroom and no one can see because it isn’t happening because it’s a sham and I’m staring at the sun blushing because I hate that I found this god (false god) in the form “love” I never knew that but Desire and I we go way back ; when I was thirteen and burgeoning sexuaity falling over the cusp infinity pool of hormonal brain and I was there giving my body because I could never be beautiful then against all odds I was beautiful for Him when He asked so I gave Him and Him and Him and Him and Him and Him and I gave Him my body because I never wanted it and I’d do it again any time the moon rises and the sun sets I am his “bxtch” and I’m on cloud nine looking over this subtle Pandora’s box of a place called the Midwest called “quaint” called nothing ever happens here but cows and corn and “all the kinkiest guys I’ve talked to are from Wisconsin” and I’m not those guys in more ways than one but for these few minutes I am because that is the love I know it is being wanted I wanted to freefall through the clouds all the while begging them to hold me up all the while cherishing the mere moments of resistance all the while knowing I’m just sitting in seat 24E dreaming of plummeting to the Earth a human comet and I am the rarest “once in a lifetime” comet burning and burning for minutes and seconds and an instant of being then gone how dreamy it is to live in a world like ours a spec in the scheme of it all so who cares who’s listening who cares about anything I’m just gonna live I guess that we are short and beautiful life coming to a halt the plane grinding into the ground I thought that we’d die I thought “this is a really shitty way to die” crumbling without the falling without those moments of miracle human flight finding god in the terror in the bliss giving in to the rush of it all but its fine we landed and he’s waking up and the sun has risen and the god I thought up left me living and we’re on the ground where we’re all so (significantly) insignificant beautiful fleeting and amazing because we strive for more we strive to live and I lived and I continue to live and I guess that’s good enough to live for the sake of living to find god within my own beating heart and to still look for something (god love hope reason for it all) and the within the looking the awe.
*lyrics from Frank Ocean’s “White Ferrari”
sun drenched seas/ waters,/ like those of the Mediterranean I see in pictures and dream of being in,/ tickling the shores/ palms hanging over/ holding the sun/ leaves leaking in light/ the crowns of trees/ grass and your eyes/ in the poem [where]/ I told you, I miss you/ chlorophyll/ thumbs too sweet/ light of your teeth, sugar sweet laughter/ conversion/ sugar to sweet tea/ iced over summer/ stains our knees and jeans and faces/ a hit of wasabi on the buffet california roll you probably shouldn’t be eating/ hand holding/ our faces still stained under buzz of light posts and we/ envy the weeds sprung from concrete cracks/ overwatered display plants/ driving down the highway/ at night, in the yard, falling into other arms before the bonfire/ lightning bugs squished over our anxious cheeks/ breath of mint in my mouth/ out your tongue and/ on to another
sa ti ate
say she ate
my desires
white knuckled and warm
in her hand throbbing pulsing
say she ate them
with a cool silver spoon
dipped her hands in
ice water shiver my spine
my skin standing up to melt
say she ate them
covered in hot fudge
say she ate them
like they were the last
of a nonrenewable resource [which is to
say she ate them
ignoring their danger ignoring their loss’ effects
to consume without regard] sa
ti ate my desires
from within